Famosa Softies Go Green
Our Corporate Social Responsibility

When we discovered that only 9% of the plastic produced is recycled, we set ourselves the challenge of turning plastic bottles into soft toys.
Since 2018, Famosa Softies is working along those lines and currently, 75% of our collection is environmentally friendly.

We began designing an extensive soft toy range featuring the animals which are most affected by pollution called the Eco Buddies. These soft toys are 100% made from recycled plastic PET bottles.
This is the first organic and sustainable FAMOSA toy and we received recognition for it from the environmental and socially responsible Global Recycled Standard (GRS).
With the market launch of the ECOBUDDIES, we have increased the use of recycled material compared to virgin raw materials and we reduce the potential impact manufacturing processes may have on people and the environment.

This new GRS certification ensures that:
-All the companies which form part of the supply chain (raw material, manufacturing, marketing, etc.) meet GRS requirements.
–The materials used in the product are 100% recycled
-The social policies and labour conditions of all the companies in the supply chain respect workers and abide by recognised international laws.
-The Health and Safety Conditions of the workers meet the relevant international rules and regulations.
-The environmental practices are responsible and meet legal requirements.
-The use of hazardous chemical products is restricted and those used are done so in a controlled way.

In parallel with this project, we have also converted almost all our collection to soft toys which are stuffed with 100% recycled fibre.
This initiative promotes recycling, prolongs the useful life of the toys, reduces the consumption of plastic and lessens the environmental impact of toy manufacture.